Tree is up... so now it is officially Christmas :-)

Last weekend I made my yearly trek to IKEA to pick up the Christmas tree. This year, my orders were to find that fattest, most robust and healthy looking tree I could locate. I am not sure if that was a back-handed way of saying that my previous Christmas tree picking expertise was just not up to snuff (exasperated!).

Good news for this year, is that Anu was impressed with how full a tree I selected! So was I - after cutting the twine keeping it compact. Meanwhile, the kids were just happy to have it, and get decorating.

After cutting off the bottom part (to let the water soak into the tree more readily... I drilled a hole in the centre - bottom ... and secured the tree stand. Fortunately, after doing this a few years, it wasn't difficult at all this year. 

After several rounds of setting up the LED lights... the boys and Anu jumped to work getting the ornaments hung. They have such fun setting these up on the tree. We have kept it fairly simple with just four different ornaments of wick, a small angel, and small mock red Christmas gifts. 

An additional ornament of which my father & mother in law - made a tradition - are the silver Christmas ball ornaments, shown in the photo. These are very light silver balls, engraved with each of our initials. They were given to us, one per year at Christmas, for each of our family member. Given that my father in law was a goldsmith, it seemed like such a creative, and appropriate Christmas gift for our family. This is one lovely little tradition, I cherish, and love to remember each time we unpack the ornaments when the children decorate the tree.

Please tell me about your family traditions over Christmas. Even the small ones, like this little story - are the ones that make this time unique, and memorable. 

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Comment by Amanda @Kamazooie on December 17, 2014 at 10:51pm

Hi Charles thanks for sharing your chubby tree with us :-) as well as some of your Christmas tree know-how and your traditions. I wish I had a goldsmith for a father ;-)

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Comment by Brian Ritchie on December 19, 2014 at 6:31pm

Hi Charles:  Your posting brings back so many memories. As kids in Chapleau, we would go out with our Dad to cut a tree in the woods (or bush as we called it up there). His trick was to take the top portion of a relatively large tree to get the fullness as short trees are naturally quite sparse. 

Anyway but the time we got it home there was always some fixing up to be done and he would drill holes in the trunk and add in some other branches if necessary. Here's a pic of me and my older brother Al with one of those "bush" trees from back in the day as we say.

When we got back, there was always hot chocolate, made with real cocoa and warmed milk of course, and if we were lucky some whipped cream or marshmallows, and then the decorating would begin. Thanks for making me think of these fond memories.

Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy and very merry holiday season!


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