Go jump in the pool!

 I was lucky to get my hip replacement just as I retired and would have free time during the day to get back into shape. The physiotherapy rehabilitation exercises were quite demanding, and I resented the pain and effort every day ( I was dutiful though),  but I was excited by the opportunity to try aqua-therapy. I have always been a water baby, lifeguarding my way through university, and swimming competitively in younger days, so this looked like a good fit.

 Nine years later I’m still off to the pool several mornings a week for aqua-fit. The physio pool was private and costly; the local public rec centre has a huge, warm pool with a ramp in, and when I buy a ten-visit punch card as a senior, costs about $3 a session

 I go to the earlier session which is earmarked for ‘seniors’, although it’s exactly the same instructor and routine as the ‘regular’ session which follows. I’ve made new friends there, as we commiserate with each other over hips, knees and backs; share family anecdotes, sell each other avon or scarves. Undressing with others seems to loosen one up!

 In the pool we joke with and tease the half-dozen men who brave it among three dozen women. Over the years the ‘regulars’ have formed a kind of social group, and many often meet  outside the pool times. We’ve been through many instructors, some top-notch, some mediocre, but as long as we keep moving and enjoying the music and activity, it’s all good.  We get exercises designed for in-water with the extra support (and resistance) which work on flexibility, strength and cardio but feel like play.

 I do know that even when I don’t feel like getting up to go jump in the pool and get wet, especially on a cold, rainy or snowy day, the awareness that the others will be there expecting me urges me on. Now I take a neighbour, so I have to go. And, like I told my sister, “It’s like Cheers – everyone knows your name “, and they ask after you when you miss a session or two.

 Certainly the work out makes me feel virtuous and physically good, and I can feel it when I’ve missed some. I highly recommend a pool program of exercise for anyone who wants to stay in shape without stressing the joints. So go jump in the pool.


Views: 55

Comment by Brian Ritchie on April 28, 2013 at 11:40am

The social element looks to be key for those wanting to stay involved with an exercise program or any discipline.

I know the feeling of not wanting to jump in the pool. Its one thing on a nice hot day at a resort or in your back yard if you had that (we don't) but it’s a totally different thing to drag yourself there on a cold day. Kind of like deciding if you want to eat grapefruit or not; tough to get started but refreshing and healthy feeling when you're done ;-)


Comment by Lorne Alan Riley on April 30, 2013 at 12:21pm

Great post! Actually a 30 year old South African guy I play soccer with just had it done...he was faced with the prospect of waiting but didn't want to...I will be sure to tell him to get in the pool as much as possible!

Comment by Martin James on May 2, 2013 at 9:16am

Good post Shirley.  I'm getting to be that age myself but its more the knees I'm worried about.  The water therapy seems to be a great option as well as an opportunity to extend your social circles. Take care and happy swimming ;-)


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