Last week, Anu and I took some time to go to a movie theatre downtown, to take in a wonderful dinner and a movie. We caught a brilliant movie called Boyhood, at the TIFF theatre (Toronto International Film Festival). 

On the heels of Brian's commentary on "Living in the Moment" - Boyhood is on that same theme. The brilliance of this movie was that Richard Linklater filmed it over a 12 year period. The stars, Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke, Loralei Linklater, and Ellar Coltrane - actually committed, and filmed it over the course of the children growing and maturing into adults. As the film progresses, Mason (the main character) experiences life from childhood through to maturity (starting college). It is a wonderful piece taking you through the ups and downs of one boys childhood and it's challenges and various relationships that emerge, some flourishing, and some falling by the way. 

One of the critical moments in the film is a point at which Mason comments about life being about the "moments". The critical part being that most people just go through life. Most of the time, you don't pay attention to the wonderful, tender, delicate moments you have gifted to you. This theme comes up again at the end of the movie ... and as the watcher - you appreciate the moments more. Memorably - you walk out of the movie with an appreciation for your own life, those you touch, and with a renewed desire to drink it all in, savour each moment you have, and truly enjoy those moments that make life worth living.

Fortunately, I have not spoiled the movie by giving you any of the details. I prefer to allow you to go to the theatre, or catch it on DVD / Netflix - when it comes out. This is an excellent movie. Yes there are moments that are painful, and difficult to watch. There are moments that remind you of your own first breakup as a teenager. Most importantly, there are also those moments that you savour, and make it all worthwhile. It is nice that once in a while there is a paradigm shifting movie to help remind us of all these things. This one is a beautiful piece of art!

Below is the Trailer (this was not meant as a movie ad... but it really is a touching tale)

Views: 84

Comment by Brian Ritchie on August 4, 2014 at 12:01pm

Great tip Charles. I heard about this premiering and that it was the first movie filmed with a cast over a 12 year period watching them age naturally. I definitely want to take this in one way or another. Thanks for posting! (and for not spoiling ;-)

Comment by Lorne Alan Riley on August 5, 2014 at 6:35am

I will put that on my 'must watch' list...hope it makes it to Dubai!

Comment by Martin James on August 6, 2014 at 9:58pm

Heard about this.  Have to check it out.  Thanks Charles!

Comment by Michael Dragnea on August 10, 2014 at 8:53am

Hey Charles,

Thanks for the great review of "Boyhood".  I know in the film making community the film is really turning heads, for both its resinating story and the mind boggling logistics of shooting a film over the span of a decade.  Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke... two of my favourites, a definite must see!

I'm really happy you and Anu got the chance to enjoy the TIFF Lightbox theatre, and if you and other contributors to this forum are interested, i'm very proud to announce that my own film "It Was You Charlie" is premiering this Friday Aug. 15, 7:00pm at the TIFF Lightbox theatre.  More film and ticket information for the premiere are available at the provided links, and i'd welcome everyone to come out and enjoy the show:

Comment by Charles Dimov on August 10, 2014 at 5:11pm

Wow Michael. It is fantastic that you took your hobby of video production, and turned it into your profession. I will definitely join you for opening night (presuming I can still get tickets). Also - please post your note as a blog entry... let's share this with everyone else in the Kamazooie community. It is really cool to have a TIFF movie producer amongst our members!


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