Reasons to Consider Installing a Gas Fireplace Insert

Environmental awareness is at its peak in this modern era. Driven with a motive to control the depletion of the environment and control pollution, many people have switched to fireplace inserts. Fireplace inserts are available in a variety of options including gas, wood, pellet and electric. Recently, fireplace gas inserts have become a favorite as it serves as a great way to add value and convenience to your home. To highlight more on this, here are some reasons why you should definitely consider switching to a gas insert.

  1. Zone Heating – A gas fireplace insert has a sealed combustion system that draws outside air into the chamber of the fireplace to fuel the fire. This allows you to turn down your furnace while your fireplace is still burning and heating. Thus, a gas insert gives you the option of warming the room that is in use, when it is in use. It is an excellent way to keep your living room warm and cozy only when it is in use. His will help you save money on your heating bills throughout the winter months.
  2. Increases fireplace efficiency – An insert is not only convenient to install, but also has a huge impact on the performance of the fireplace. Old-fashioned, traditional fireplace have an efficiency of only 5 to 10%. Fireplace inserts, on the other hand, have achieved efficiencies as high as 65%. The sealed combustion system contributes to this growth in efficiency by allowing air to enter the room and by generating more heat within the insulated space.
  3. Pocket-friendly – If you are looking to update or renovate your existing masonry fireplace, an insert is a relatively easy and fast update. It is inserted directly into your existing fireplace opening. Most manufacturers supply sizes that are compatible with the sizes of masonry fireplaces. The inserts are also a great solution for failing chimney lines as it will help you avoid costly repairs.
  4. Convenience of use – Gas inserts are fueled by natural gas and do not need to be fed with wood or other fuels. You do not have to worry about chopping and inserting wood into the fire. Further, natural gas is one of the most abundant and convenient to deliver fuels. Thus, it makes the whole process of enjoying a warm fireplace easy and convenient.
  5. Clean, safe and simple maintenance – One of the best features of gas fireplace inserts is that they are safe, clean and easy to maintain. There is no need for regular chimney sweeps. Also, you do not have to fret about creosote or soot building up in your chimney. However, inserts like these should be cleaned and inspected annually to ensure efficient functioning.
  6. Eco-friendly – Gas inserts are efficient and do not produce a lot of smoke and gases that cause pollution. They will help reduce your carbon footprint and the harmful impact traditional fireplaces can have on the environment.

Apart from the above-listed points, one major reason to consider inserts is the fact that it adds beauty to any home. With gas inserts, you can enjoy a cozy fire with your loved ones at any point of the day and for any period of time. You will not need to worry about the fire extinguishing due to lack of wood. Installing a fireplace insert will prove to be a win-win situation for you heating your home more efficiently. Remember to get the appliance installed by professional to ensure that it meets all requirements and is safe to operate.

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