As we discussed in the last few postings... I have been leading and organising my firm's Junior Achievement partnership and campaign. We had teams from 6 major cities in Canada. For Toronto - I also teamed up with a partner and delivered the "Economics for Success" program to the grade 7 & 8 split class of St. John Bosco Elementary school in Woodbridge, Ontario. 

This was an absolute blast! 

Naturally, it is so much fun to teach the children about the tough economics of life... like the fact that the government takes away 20-35% of your paycheque... before you ever get a chance to see any of it. Then adding CPP, EI and LTD to the equation is just salt on top of the wound. Yesterday's class took it in stride, and seemed a little more savvy to these facts, but my last class was completely revolted by the idea. An naturally we explained the reasons for it all, and the purpose of taxes, and so on... but still there is that underlying feeling of indignation that the kids express quite openly (very refreshing).

To run the program well, you do have to be a fairly strong speaker with a strong and confident voice. After all - kids are kids, and you do have to talk over their voices sometimes. All told, my class was fairly well behaved (so I was quite lucky).

Admittedly, even with the best of classes - you are on all day, running the program, instructing, asking a hundred questions (to get the kids to think things through), and walking around checking that everyone understood what they are supposed to work on, and what they are doing. This makes for an extremely tiring day. It leaves you with a great feeling about what a challenge it is to be a teacher - doing this every day (wow!).

Despite being tired, this is a VERY good tired feeling! I think I was out, before my head even touched the pillow last night. 

This is the second year that I have run the Junior Achievement program, and I have to say that it is fantastically rewarding. It just feels great to work with the kids all day, to teach them some new things they are not doing in school (

interview practice, for example), and to get all the 'thanks' from the kids at the end of the day.

Can't wait until next year.
Who knows maybe some of us from Kamazooie would like to get together and run a program or two. 

If anyone is thinking of doing a Junior Achievement program - please do so. It is such a great way to get a bit of that Balance in your life, by giving back. 

If you have done Junior Achievement - please let me know what your experience was like. 

Views: 45

Comment by Brian Ritchie on May 17, 2014 at 7:15pm

What?? You mean the government takes 20-35% of our pay without us even getting to say anything about it?? I'm going to write a letter!

Sounds like a great experience for sure Charles and good for you and your company for taking the time to work with our next generation like this.

Comment by Charles Dimov on May 18, 2014 at 8:08am

Thanks Brian. Yup - that tax thing gets me rallied up every time. Really was a super experience. Anyone thinking about it... I encourage them to try it out. 


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