On the heels of Amanda's great discussion about living a Balanced Life, and mapping out what that looks like, I just read "Your Life Plan" by Erica Sosna - which addresses a related topic. We all agree that we want to live a balanced life. Balance comes up repeatedly when you think about work and career. As a careerist, I completely understand how easy it is to put in 60 - 70 - 80 and even 90 hours per week - when things are moving fast, and you have the responsibilities and weight of the world on your shoulders at the office. However, the important point is to do so if you choose to do so, and to take a moment to reflect and think about where you are spending your time, where you want to spend your time, then creating the courage to change to reflect what you want your life to look like - and defending your choices. In that respect the Wheel of Life is a great way to take that step to figuring out what you want. Too many of us go through life, never thinking about it, and sadly never making the adjustments we need to live a fulfilled life.

With that same though, Your Life Plan takes it to the next step of not just measuring where you are, and what is important to you, but it also lays it out as the journey which it is. Sosna does a great job of creatively laying out the journey (and chapters) as a Hero's Quest. Since it is your life, YOU are the hero. 

Most of this book is straight forward, and most of us would have figured it out (no surprises). What I particularly liked about it, was clearly pointing out that there will be challenges and battles along the way. Don't expect an easy journey. Better still, she goes into the fact that part of the battle is mustering your own courage, and the internal battles - besides the obvious external battles.

If nothing else, the Hero's Quest and journey means that you stop to give your life some thought, and think through where you really want to go... and make practical steps toward it. This does not mean that every journey will end in success. Just because I map our a Life Plan where I win $50M in the lottery does not mean it will just happen.

My favourite part, because it is easy to overlook or forget - is the celebration. Sosna terms this the return. This is extremely important. In fact, I like the idea of celebrating every small success, victory and happy moment in life - because they are worth it!

It is a nice light read, and will make you think about things... and perhaps even inspire your own Balanced Life - Life Plan - and Hero's Quest Journey.  

"The Journey of 1000 kilometres starts with that first step - - - TAKE IT!"  (very loosely quoted Confucious saying)


For Your Reference:  Your Life Plan - Amazon description:   http://amzn.to/SlwAwy

Views: 123

Comment by Brian Ritchie on June 1, 2014 at 8:24pm
Great post Charles! It reminds me of one of Covey's 7 Habits; 'Start with the end in mind.' If you don't know where you're going, how will you know whey you get there?
Comment by Martin James on June 3, 2014 at 10:00pm
Thanks Charles. I'm a bit of a history buff and I'm currently reading a biography of WW II General Douglas MacArthur, by William Manchester. In it, there is a quote by MacArthur that reminds me about your life-plan posting, at least as how it applies to growing old without achieving what you wanted to.

MacArthur said “Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old by deserting their ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up wrinkles the soul.”

I guess I had better take a fresh look at my plan so as to not let my soul get to wrinkled ;-)
Comment by Charles Dimov on June 4, 2014 at 9:00pm

Thanks for sharing that Martin. That is a great quote "Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up wrinkles the soul." 

Sounds like plenty of good reason to quicken the pace on my life plan, too! 


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