What Are the Most Popular Types of Dart Games?

The game of darts has immense popularity across the world. Playing the game is fun, which also contributes to better health and well-being. The game involves throwing darts towards the dartboard. The dartboard has different parts to carry different scores. Different types of dart games are available in dart shops, which allow everyone to play the game.

Around the Clock

In this type of game, players need to hit number around the clock. Each player is expected to change the turn after making 3 throws. Each of them gets three darts. You can start hitting number 1 and go up to 20. Double hitting will give you the chance to skip the next number.

American Cricket

It is one of the most popular dart games. It requires two players or two teams. An inning is closed if a player scores three. If all the innings are closed by an individual or a team, it is declared as the winner. Even if one can close the inning while having the same points with the opponent, he or she will be considered as the winner. English cricket is another type, which is different from the American and involves a batter and a bowler.

Chase the Dragon

It is perhaps one of the most favorite darts games of people. It is aimed at hitting the numbers from 10 to 20. The numbers should be hit by maintaining sequence.

Grand National

This type of game is a version, especially designed for the novice dart throwers. In this version, the players need to throw anticlockwise starting from 20 to 5.

Hare and Hounds

The name of this type implies a game that involves the hare to start the game and the hound as the opponent of the hare. The players need to play clockwise by hitting each point.

Apart from these dart games, there are several other popular types such as 180 around the clock, halve-it, killer and blind killer, knockout etc. Each of these involves different rules, which the players must be accustomed to.

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