You know that feeling. You have just been on vacation for a week, and the Sunday night jitters start hitting you. Or maybe, as you are driving back from the cottage or vacation spot, you start thinking about all the things awaiting your return - like 1,500 emails, and half a dozen blow-ups that took place while you were away.

Having just taken a week's vacation with my sons - in Ottawa - and it being Sunday night... this is exactly on my mind. But regardless - vacations are precious moments that must not be squandered. AND I am the one who must drill this lesson into my head - repeatedly.

Leah Eichler (Globe and Mail writer) wrote a great article on exactly this topic a few weeks ago ( ). She pulls together a solid argument that time away from the office, ensures that the organisation has a level of robustness, to figure out things and to accept delegation and authority amongst other members of the team - while you are away. That is good learning for a team, company or organisation. 

I recall a time, early in my career, when I did not even take the meager 2 weeks I had for vacation, per year. I look back at those days and wonder how I could do it, and why. A better approach would have been to take the downtime, recharge and come back as an even more hyper-workaholic energizer bunny. 

Time away, also let's you recharge your creativity, and resilience muscle. At the office, when you are bombarded with over 100-200 email requests per day... it erodes your ability to keep you creativity flowing, and it can start to wear you down with all the demands, deadlines, and requirements. Some time off, let's you build up your ability to keep going with a clear conscience, some fresh new ideas, and hopefully with some renewed passion.

As most of the articles and research these days, tell us - balance is important. This becomes very clear once you have a family, and perhaps children. So - ease off! Enjoying your vacation! If not for you then - for your family's sake, for your health, and for creating memories that you will and your family will look back upon and cherish for the rest of your lives. ... ... ...

Oh - and if you ARE on vacation ... well then paddle away and don't look back until you are good, well rested, and ready! :-)

Views: 59

Comment by Lorne Alan Riley on July 9, 2014 at 2:29am

Sage advice!  Now when I am on vacation I have been appropriately conditioned by Blackberry (and my own addiction to same)  to check in periodically so I don't return to 500 unanswered emails...the prospect of which stresses me out even more!

Comment by Brian Ritchie on July 9, 2014 at 5:35pm

I hear you Charles. However, its 5:35 and I'm off the clock so thought I would put in a little Kamazooie time - a release for me and not a chore. Anyway, this has been a funny year. We've set our vacation plans for late in the year and I've only had the odd long weekend. However, I do cherish the weekends (and the long ones) down to the last drop.

Take care and recharge my friend.


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